Online Training for AGSMEIS Loan is Ongoing

Online Training for AGSMEIS Loan is Ongoing.  This is the latest news on AGSMEIS loan scheme. In fact, there is an ongoing AGSMEIS training registration in our training centres now. Then comes your business plan development. And, finally, you are onto AGSMEIS portal for registration confirmation.  These are the services we offer you. As a matter of fact, with the […]

Business Name filing of notice of cessation of business.

This is possible. Cessation is one of the exit strategies in business. When you are done with your business objectives or project, you can close down.     Again, when creditors want to realize their investments in your business by force, they may force you into liquidation. That is, cessation. Whichever way it comes, you have to follow formal ways to close […]

Tax Clearance As Compliance Certificate

Are you a successful business man? Do you want to win the next contract from any federal government agency? Here is what you need to get; Compliance Certificate: Tax Clearance Certificate.  As a matter of fact, for company income tax, individual and sole proprietor tax clearance certificate in Nigeria; this post is what you need to go through. In fact, […]

Business Name Enterprise: Filing of annual return

Business Name Enterprise: Filing of annual return. This CAC annual returns for business name. It goes with form CAC bn/7 annual return for business name. This post gives details of documents required. It highlights also penalty for late filing of the return in Nigeria. In fact, this is Business Name Enterprise: Filing of annual return As a matter of fact, […]

Requirements and Procedure: Filing For Changes in Enterprises

Business names, enterprises may require alterations, replacements or corrections from time to time. This post is on  how you may make changes or corrections in your business incorporation documents. In fact, this is because there may be errors in your incorporation documents right from the onset. Here are Requirements and Procedure for Filing For Changes in Enterprise’s name, address, proprietorship […]

CAC Business Name Registration Is Here

This is an opportunity for you.  C.A.C. Business Name Registration is available here. Therefore, Register Your Business Name Here with the essential requirements. In fact, your C.A.C. Business Name Registration is Here. The 2 Target Groups: If you are coming into business as a start-up this article is for you. And, if you have been in business without legalizing your […]


Our Business Support Services are start-up and existing business support services. These are both small, medium and large business support services. Here are the list of the support services and their importance to your business. Make contacts today for Cessummit Business Support Programs & Services. Business Professional Needs: You are aware that business needs various professional help. These start from […]


HOW CESSUMMIT TAKES YOUR BUSINESS TO NEW HEIGHTS We understand that success does not come easy for small business owners. And for this, you have to scale through numerous obstacles and rejections before you can term your business as successful. Otherwise, business failure looms. Get at HOW CESSUMMIT TAKES YOUR BUSINESS TO NEW HEIGHTS In fact, it’s never easy for […]


Our Business Support Services are start-up and existing business support services. These are both small, medium and large business support services. Here are the list of the support services and their importance to your business. Therefore, get your BUSINESS SUPPORT PROGRAMMES & SERVICES here. You are aware that business needs various professional help starting from the business idea generation to […]