How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates – Are you interested in writing a business plan business description? So, how do you write a business description of a business plan, and what goes into the description segment? Here is How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates.
In a business plan, there are segments covering Executive summary, Mission statement, Market analysis, and Financial plan among others. Other names for business descriptions are company overview, company profile, and company history. It’s also called a company summary. This is How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
- 1 Company/Business Description:
- 1.1 Company Description Segment illustrated:
- 1.2 How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
- 1.3 Company Ownership:
- 1.4 How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
- 1.5 Company Locations and Facilities:
- 1.6 Read Also for How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates:
- 1.7 Our business plan offerings:
Company/Business Description:
So, in this write-up are company description business plan examples. Then are business overview examples, company profile, and company history of a restaurant business. In cessummit.com you get expert tips to take your business to the next level. Therefore, we encourage you to read our articles, understand and follow the handful of strategic ways to grow your business. There are also hot, profitable, and untapped business growth ideas in Nigeria. Read more about How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
Company Description Segment illustrated:
The company description segment of the business plan is very key to selling yourself/your business to your audience. So, take time to honestly bring to your audience notice what you are and what will be up to, especially for a scaling-up business. Here is an illustrative example.
How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
Company Ownership:
K’s Corners Ltd is a privately owned Nigerian company. It was duly incorporated as a Limited company in 2021. The shareholding is Faith 25% – Udo Fry, 25% – King Chi 25% – Dora Bon, 25%.
Faith and Udo have more than 10 years of experience in the food industry. In fact, the two are currently employed as Corporate Staff of Anambra Fries, Enugu. Check out How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
Faith holds an MBA degree from the University of Jos. She is a true entrepreneur by heart. Her latest entrepreneurial project is a Bid store in the heart of Onitsha town.
Udo holds a BA degree in Graphic Design from the Abuja Scholl of Arts. AS a matter of fact, his projects are widely varied from brand design to brand development of several reputable companies.
Furthermore, King Chi holds a MS degree from Sausage Institute Achida. He completed several projects and served as project manager for multi-national companies in Mafara, Zamfara state Nigeria..
On the other hand, Dora Bon holds a BS degree from Suya University Karimu, Abuja FCT. She majors in Management and Information Technology. Prior to his return to Nigeria, he held several management positions in a U.S.-based IT company.
How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
Company Locations and Facilities:
K’s Corners Ltd is located at Karu by Karu Police station, Karu, Abuja FCT. Our location range in size from 50 – 70 meter square and will seat from 40 – 50 guests. In fact, our head office location will be on the larger end of this range. All other of our locations will follow this pattern. In fact, our locations will feature their own originality in merchandise display and other brand-building attributes. In fact, we will equip our outlets with modern furniture and aim for cleanliness and an open feeling.
Meanwhile, our space selection is chosen based on the following criteria:
- Community size: minimum of 600,000 people within a radius of 8 kilometers.
- Tourist destination.
- Easy access.
- A large percentage of teenagers in the community.
All of these qualities are consistent with K’s Corners Ltd’s goal of providing a top-quality fast food experience. In fact, our desire is that “word-of-mouth” will be our best form of marketing. This is because if our customers value our brands as something exciting they cannot wait to tell their friends and neighbors. This is How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
K’s Corners Ltd competes favorably with several other fast food joints within our market environment. These include Chicken Republic, Celebrities’ Fried Rice, Blooming Chicken, Dum Sticks, and Mama Kass Kitchens
What or who is Complete Fries?
K’s Corners Ltd sells majorly African dishes. It also showcases chicken fries, and fish fries in roles with a choice of sauce. We use the concept of modern Local and intercontinental dishes and Fries, where the fries are all made from fresh slaughtered chicken and fish and fried twice. Our outlets in other parts of Nigeria also provide excellent and friendly customer service to support the ambiance of fun which is energetic to a youthful lifestyle. And, How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
Young stars environment:
Our environment is very conducive for young people. In fact, we have imitated successful establishments in this regard. Such establishments as In & Out Restaurant, Watch Your Mouth Restaurant, and Everyday Food Restaurant are our benchmarks. Our core target market is for those between 25 to 65 years of age. In fact, our store will feature a display of cooking of our featured modern African dishes and Fries brand from cutting to frying. We also make available for our customers to read our in-house brochures in regard to all knowledge about our brands and our featured sauces. In fact, our serving halls are decorated with fast food settings, such as a bright counter and display menu on the wall. Ths is How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
Brand of Food:
Our vision is quality food. For this matter, our restaurant outlets offer nothing but freshly fried K’s Corner’s fries brands, sandwiches, and a variety of unique blend sauces. All of these are served with old-fashioned home-style care.
Operating Time: How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
In fact, we are open every day. from 8 am to 9 pm. However, we open on Sundays at 12 noon and close by 9 pm.
Assorted types of food:
The dream is variety, variety, and variety. Therefore, to effectively make a change in varieties a different selection of sauces will be featured every three months. In fact, we will also change our Sokoto Fura flavors to accompany our fries.

Read Also for How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates:
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- The 5 important business plans
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Our business plan offerings:
It’s important you request any of the following types of business plans from cessummit.com:
- Strategic plans for scaling up business
- Operational/internal plans,
- Comprehensive business plan
- Business plan executive summary
- Business Plan Financial Analysis Segment
- And, Business plan Pitch
- A one page plan/pitch – for presentation or self/family considerations
- Working business plan – for administrative purposes
- Bankable business plan – this is to seek for investors or loan facility.
- How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates
Finally, we bring to your notice that Cessummit.com has special business templates for High profile Business plans. There are those for Oil & gas, Petroleum filling stations, Cooking gas, Air Travel, Agriculture, and Food processing business. Others are for Real Estate, Hotel, Transportation and Telecommunication business, and many more. In fact, we also assist fellow consultants generate a matching business plan financial plan analysis. And, now, for getting the best business plans visit our website today. Contact us via +234 905 313 0518 or [email protected] Thanks for reading through How to write Company Description Segment with Business Plant Templates