• +234-9053-130-518
  • cessummit0518@gmail.com
  • Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria

Strategic Questions for Entrepreneurs Now

Strategic Questions for Entrepreneurs Now – These are Questions for Entrepreneurs. As a matter of fact, they are key questions for every entrepreneur. On the other hand, they are also business start-up questionnaire. And, academically, they are sample questions on entrepreneurship. So, if you are one of these set of people, here are additional information you require for your good….

Types of Entrepreneurs: Which One are you?

Types of Entrepreneurs: Which One are you? The type of entrepreneur that you are determines how much you achieve in your operations. the behavioral pattern of organizational management brings about the tagging of some entrepreneurs as Builders, opportunists, innovators, and Specialists. The question is, which one are you? Other of our articles deal with the entrepreneurial traits, Small Business Vs…


A Modern Entrepreneur: How to become one – So, who then is an Entrepreneur? To tell you, an entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. And, the process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. As a matter of fact, the entrepreneur is commonly seen…

Power & Airlines Fund: This is how to apply

Power & Airlines Fund: This is how to apply. This is how to apply for the N250 billion mediation fund for the Power and Airlines Intervention Fund (PAIF) For Small Operations. These are some of the high-profile funding being provided by CBN. This is the Power & Airlines Fund: This is how to apply In fact, this is because there…

Current Entrepreneurship Strategies – This is income generating

Current Entrepreneurship Strategies – This is income generating – In fact, Entrepreneurship Promotes economic development, innovation and income generation. Entrepreneurship is, without a doubt, a vital activity for promoting economic development, innovation and income generation in every country. However, when analyzing the main reason for the mortality of new companies in their first five years, one of the main reasons…

Consultancy Services: This is how it works

This is Consultancy Services: This is how it works – In fact, questions like, how does a business consultancy work? is answered here. This post details how consultancy works both for start-ups and existing companies. This is Consultancy Services: This is how it works Most SMEs do not realize the importance of consultancy jobs for their business growth. So, we have taken…

Corporate Documentation: This is how to go about it

Corporate Documentation: This is how to go about it. Are you in need of how to legalize your business? This is how to document your business’s legal standing. We have in other posts given details on tips on how to start your business.  However, in this post are how to go about your new business ideas until operation. It will…