• +234-9053-130-518
  • cessummit0518@gmail.com
  • Wuse, Abuja, Nigeria

Types of Entrepreneurs: Which One are you?

Types of Entrepreneurs: Which One are you? The type of entrepreneur that you are determines how much you achieve in your operations. the behavioral pattern of organizational management brings about the tagging of some entrepreneurs as Builders, opportunists, innovators, and Specialists. The question is, which one are you? Other of our articles deal with the entrepreneurial traits, Small Business Vs…


A Modern Entrepreneur: How to become one – So, who then is an Entrepreneur? To tell you, an entrepreneur is an individual who creates a new business, bearing most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards. And, the process of setting up a business is known as entrepreneurship. As a matter of fact, the entrepreneur is commonly seen…

SCUML Certificate Registration: This is how to get registered

SCUML Certificate Registration: This is how to get registered. Have you registered for SCUML before?  Have you seen the SCUML certificate before this time? This post gives you the opportunity of getting at these two things. Cessummit.com has a corporate social responsibility to help young entrepreneurs start and grow their businesses. We do this by disseminating entrepreneurship information for all….

Power & Airlines Fund: This is how to apply

Power & Airlines Fund: This is how to apply. This is how to apply for the N250 billion mediation fund for the Power and Airlines Intervention Fund (PAIF) For Small Operations. These are some of the high-profile funding being provided by CBN. This is the Power & Airlines Fund: This is how to apply In fact, this is because there…

Business plan for SMEs: Here are the relevant contents.

Business plan for SMEs: Here are the relevant contents. For Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria, here are the relevant contents for the business plan.  As a matter of fact, the executive summary summarizes the plan content, then follows other segments like the marketing plan, key management posts, and financial plan. In fact, these business plan sections are…

This is Rivers State Communities Palm Oil Plantation Business Plan

This is Rivers State Communities Palm Oil Plantation Business Plan. We hereby propagate a community palm oil plantation project for Rivers State communities. This is one that will harness the benefits of the existing family farming system. So, are you thinking of your community development? This is Rivers State Communities Palm Oil Plantation Business Plan Then, this project will help…

How to Open Dollar Accounts for Foreign Remittances:

How to Open Dollar Accounts for Foreign Remittances is how C.B.N. Orders: Commercial banks open Dollar accounts for foreign remittances –Are you an intending or existing foreign investor to Nigeria? Are you one of our own in Diaspora? This is How to Open Dollar Accounts for Foreign Remittances This is an opportunity for you to remit money to Nigeria. This…