14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
Therefore, is your question, how do I know what business to invest into or what ideas do I need to start a business? Here are plenty of them. We have over 300 business ideas here. This is because each major category business idea presented here has more than 10 additive business ideas along the value chain both horizontally and vertically. So, your question on, what businesses are in high demand in Nigeria, is taken care of. In fact, as to whether you can start a business without a capital, my dear please, read on.
- 1 Why this post?
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- 1.4 2. Farming:
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- 1.16 14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
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Why this post?
Perhaps, this is your question now. But, then, this post presents the best small and medium scale business ideas in Nigeria that will make money for you. Complete Entrepreneurship summit (Cesummit) promotes posts to create employment that will generate income and grow the economy. This is why you have this post. So, some of these business ideas can in fact be started with very little capital.
Therefore, as you read, broaden your thinking horizon. This is because nearly every business today is online biased. So, see it that many of them cover ideas that can assist you make money both online and physically. In addition, think again about starting some right from your bedroom. If you are catching the vision of our ideas, then you will get more than the 300 business ideas we have projected for this post. Just read on thinking.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you – Are you thinking of starting a business in Nigeria? Complete Entrepreneurship summit (cessummit) is here to assist you realize your goal. In fact, this is our core objective; to empower young entrepreneurs with modern entrepreneurial strategies to propel and grow their businesses.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
Now let’s go on, one after the other.
- Manufacturing:
Ice block Production and Sale:
When you talk about certain small business ideas in Nigeria, especially food related businesses. ice block production comes to mind. This is true because Nigeria is located within the tropical climate region. So, with abundant sunlight heat is generated. The most unfortunate thing about this is that electricity supply is very poor. This makes it difficult for homes to maintain adequate stock of cold water in their refrigerators.
As a matter of fact, this is what makes ice block production a money-spinning business in Nigeria. In fact, people require ice blocks to keep their food (water and drink) cold. In this connection, your market includes households around your neighborhood, retail shops, restaurants and bars that need to keep their drinks ice-cold at all times.
One advantage in here is that you may require small capital to start it. So, with a deep freezer as well as a medium-sized generator you can kick start this business. So that as you make money, you can scale up by acquiring an ice block making machine. As you can see, ice block production could be the business you require to start.
Liquid Soap Production:
Do you know that the market for liquid soap in Nigeria is so large? Do you know that the well-established brands are not meeting demands? Look, every household in the country needs this product. So, there will always be market for it. So, you will only be doing one thing; Supplying.
Can you do some exercises now? Ok, just look around you for homemade liquid soaps with no branding at all. Some of them are packaged in used plastic bottles being sold for between N50 and N100. You think this is a joke? In fact, this is one of the major investment opportunities in Nigeria today. You can make so much money producing liquid soap and selling to supermarkets and other shops that retail to end-users, restaurants, bakers, caterers, and home keepers. What about if you brand your product?
However, to start-off, you may wish to have some training that is available at vocational centers run by churches, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. You can now create a large market by branding your products and packaging well to become very lucrative.
For every business covered here, there is a business plan. Order your copy now.
Cosmetics Production Business:
Looking beautiful is good business, you know. So, if you love beauty, then going into the cosmetics business will be your best bet. But one secret of this business is that you will have to do a lot of research to keep abreast of what is current in the market. You must realize that we are living in a dynamic world.
As hinted above, research work on this business is very important because you will need to learn new things about the cosmetics industry. Those are the things that will keep you up to date, creative and innovative. Get our business plan for this
Now, think about the many other businesses involved in this category. And think of the horizontal and vertical links. Who produces the inputs? Who distributes or retails the products? If you analyze properly, you can get more that 10 businesses here. Again, think about your expansion programs to cover some of the vertical or horizontal links.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
2. Farming:
Farming, agriculture is a global business. The industry is so wild. In fact, it’s generally classified into the extractive industry to make it so broad. However, we have only chosen some of the farm businesses to illustrate what it offers you as business. Click here to see more.
Animal Husbandry:
Do you know how many types of businesses that are involved here? Think of rearing cows, sheet, goat, pigs, snails, grass cutters, poultry and so on. On poultry alone do you know how many businesses are involved. Think of rearing broilers, local fowls, turkey, layers for egg lying? Here a lone has covered over 15 business types.
And now look at one of the extensions: Eggs Supply and Distribution:
Do you know that apart from egg’s dietary needs, it’s used to make many products? Such products include confectioneries, cosmetics, soaps, hair conditioners, shampoo, glue and face masks amongst many others.
So, supply of egg is a big business. In fact, supply of eggs can be started on a small scale and grow to become a big venture. Now, if you want to go into this business do something. Try to identify poultry farms that produce quality eggs and/or large egg distributors. If you are sure of your supplies, then do the next thing. D
Develop a network of buyers. These must be many and varied around your neighborhood. This is for those doing this from home. For those who require shop, please get one near your demand environment. It could be the general market nearby.
However, to do better in this business, you will need empty egg crates and a delivery van. If you do the business without delivery van then you don’t require so much capital. In fact, N100,000 can start the business. We can plan this for you.
Tomato Farming Business:
Among the agricultural crops to grow is tomatoes. In fact, agriculture offers one of the best cash chain investment in Nigeria today. Have you prized fresh tomatoes in the market recently? Then, do you consider it very rewarding to arm?
But, then, for you to start the business in Nigeria, you’ll need to find out what types of tomatoes are in demand. Try to contact those who sell the seeds for this information. They can also let you know the varieties that are patronized best.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
3. Processing/Food Related:
This is the processing of food items. And, it’s time you wear your thinking cap. We actually have a few of them to consider here. But what do you think about Rice Milling Plants, Animal feed, Cassava processing, and other food related processing? Especially important for our topic are those in the agricultural value chain. Remember that there is a business plan for all of them. Now, let’s see few of them.
Plantain Chips Production and Sales:
This is everywhere now. And if you remember that Nigeria’s population is fast growing, then you know that this market is large enough to accommodate you.
As a matter of fact, the production of this delicious crunchy snack made from unripe plantain is a big business now. So, there are those who plant the tree, those who produce chips and there are those who sale them. So, hawkers sell them along the highways. I think you probably did not realize that it’s such a lucrative business in Nigeria today.
As a matter of fact, a small-scale plantain chip enterprise with an initial investment of fifty thousand Naira (N50,000.00) is capable of returning N10,000 profit daily. That’s an average of N1,500,000 monthly profit working for 25 days a month. As you can see, the gross profit margin is more than 40% while the net profit margin is not less than 30%. That is why we think you should consider this business if you’re looking for a small-scale business idea in Nigeria with low capital. Hawkers for this food item do not require more than N10,000 capital to start.
Another cost-effect advantage is that you can start it from you house. If you can make it better, then place a brand name on its packaging transparent nylon, and you’re good to go. However, for branding, take it easy, because you will soon require NAFDAC registration for it.
Again, if you need to start, you will need to get some coaching from someone already doing the business. That will enable you learn some recipes and develop a supply chain both for your raw materials (plantain) and finished products. Mentorship is important for new businesses.
Small Chops Packaging
This is another mini business you can enter just like that. In fact, starting a small chops packaging business is a lucrative business idea in Nigeria. Nigerians desire for light meals like small chops has greatly increased in the recent past.
Ranging from big events like weddings, funeral and birthday parties, to friendly get-togethers, this is preferred. In fact, they are the preferred choice when it comes to light refreshments at boat cruise and time on the beach. Again, these are also the markets for this stuff.
The great thing about small chops is that there is demand for it. You can also start with low capital. In fact, the key to being a successful small chops business owner is creativity and packaging.
Mobile Food Business
We had hinted about hawking plantain chips and small chops in the previous paragraphs. This is in fact, the means for harking them. But here now, we are presenting it as a different type of business related to food processing. We hope you catch the vision.
In deciding on business ideas in Nigeria, can you ask yourself this question; what sells fast in Nigeria? Then, you will realize that food being a major necessity of life will come upmost in your mind. Do you know about the common slogan “Man must wak” This means, whatever the condition with a man, he must eat. This is why the food business will always be a lucrative business in globally. And as such, it’s one of the most thriving businesses in Nigeria.
Furthermore, the key to success here is to differentiation. That is make the difference from the others. Consider change and innovation. And by that choose or design a specialty menu. That will generate your business niche, and market segment. This is because you cannot be everything to everybody. So, quietly choose your class of customers right from the inception.
In addition, select your market carefully where the returns are higher. For example, you can choose to serve workers of big organizations like a digital bank, oil and gas companies. And multinational organizations and develop a relationship with their HR. The arrangement here could allow you to bring your food during their lunch or within specific hours of the day. You can add special delivery of specialty food to busy executives as part of your service.
This particular business can be capital intensive. So, you can contact us to assist you apply for CBN NIRSAL MFB AGSMEIS loan. With this you can raise upto N10m to run your business. You can also apply for Palmcredit, Branch Loan, Specta Loan, Fint Loan, C24 Loan, or Quickteller Loan where you can get an instant online loan in Nigeria.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
4, Restaurant Business:
We are presenting restaurant business here as different from all we discussed in the last paragraph. This is for distinction, and the reasons are here. Do you know that restaurant business has always been on the rise in Nigeria due to rise in population and urbanization? In fact, restaurant business doesn’t go out of fashion. You only need to make a little difference here and there and you pool the crowd.
Therefore, if you think that you are a great cook and can be innovative, you can start a restaurant business. You will be required to do a lot in the area of cooking very great meals.
Again, depending on your business planning, which we can develop for you, this may also require more fund that the types we described earlier. In this particular business alone, there could be more than ten varieties or niches to focus on. Our business plan will specify these for you.
Again, we can assist you apply for CBN NIRSAL MFB AGSMEIS loan where you can get as much as N10m to run this business. Contact us for this immediately.
Hamper Business:
Furthermore, this is a good one too. We present it here in association with food related businesses. But it could also be a social relationship thing. However, our dream is to generate several business ideas for you. The feasibility studies are yours. We can also do this for you if you engage us.
However, in Nigeria, this is a seasonal business, sort of. This is because there are seasons when the hamper trade is an all-time high. If you know you have the knack for gifts, then you can look into starting a hamper business.
In this case, you will need to decide if you want to deal with already assembled hampers. In this case you are just distributive. Otherwise, you can be the one assembling it.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
5. Online Businesses: E-Commerce:
Online business is very vast. In fact, every business has an online aspect to cover either for production or for marketing. That I why this is a business category to discuss here. Looking at it, there are several business ideas embedded here. So please, read on.
Information Marketing
In fact, this is another internet-based business idea. And do you know that it has taken many people out of poverty in Nigeria. See how it works; do you know anything that people don’t know? Or do you know something that other people know but can present it differently? And, have you known someone who knows something that others may not know?
As a matter of fact, if you can tress the sources of the business information as narrated above, you may be on your way to making money. So, what you can now do is to package the information in the form of a report, an e-book, video, or audio and sell online.
Do you know that you don’t need to write them yourself? In fact, there are many resources online to help you. In fact, you can outsource the writing on Fiverr, buy master resell rights or private label rights books, rewrite and rebrand to your choice and sell.
Here too, you may need to own a website to assist you promote your deals. If you contact us your business plan and the website design will be ready.
Affiliate Marketing:
This is another online money-making opportunity. And, it’s a lucrative business in Nigeria. In fact, anyone can start it with little or no investment. An affiliate marketer is one who helps companies or individuals sell their products and earn a commission. Can you do this?
Now, there are variety of product to deal with here. Some can be digital products or physical products. You can sign on with as many affiliate programs as you can. In this case you use your affiliate links to promote the products through social media platforms. You can also create a dedicated website. Do you know that many people in Nigeria have become millionaires through affiliate programs?
Website Design and Maintenance:
Do you know that so many businesses in the recent time have online presence? In fact, so many high-net-worth individuals like politicians, chieftains of corporate organizations and successful business people are now using online tools such as websites to promote their brands and personality.
The fact is that this trend has increased the demand for website designers. Therefore, if you learn how to use common design tools and build excellent websites, you are in for good business.
Again, to be successful, you need to know the common things involved. Such as how to design professional websites, create web graphics, build web pages, and upload web pages to the server.
Furthermore, other skills you will need include domain name registration and how hosting services work. As you grow, you may add begin to add domain name registration and host to your service bouquet.
Yet on e-marketing and e-business prospects I blogging. So, if you can write start blogging immediately. Don’t worry the research work involved in blogging will make you grow fast. And, that will begin to increase your mental horizon. On the other hand, if you have the capacity to learn how to write, then start learning.
As a matter of fact, blogging is a good way to making money online in Nigeria. All you need is internet access and good research skill. Then, you must have keen to doing it and possession of a laptop and then a lot of time. In fact, time is the most valuation resource in blogging.
Also, you would want people to find your blog posts without manually promoting it all the time. So, you need to learn how to optimize your posts for search engines like Google or hire the services of an SEO Expert within your location.
Another option is, set up a free blog with WordPress or Wix or if you have some money. Then, set up your blog on self-hosted server and populate your blog with quality content. Then, get people to read your content (drive traffic), get their confidence and monetize your blog with Google AdSense. And, display advert, affiliate marketing or sell information products such as e-books, etc. Blogging business pays.
Freelance Content Development
This is also called Ghost Writer. If your question is, what business can I start with 5,000 Naira as a student? Here is the answer. Try setting yourself up as a freelance content developer. This could prove to be a side-hustle or maybe even a full-time job. Can you see that this is one way to make money online as a student.
Furthermore, companies such as media agencies, blogs, and startups will pay big time for someone who can write a clean copy of contents. This could be advertisements, websites, or blogs. In fact, some would even pay you for your editing services.
We would like you to always refer to this post to see more ways on how to make money online in Nigeria as a student. Subscribe through our email subscription platform below.
Furthermore, this is one of the newest business ideas. One peculiar feature is that it’s a type you can start with very low capital. In fact, what you need is your laptop or smartphone, internet data, and social media platforms e.g., Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc. These are in fact, your online shop.
This has turned out to be one of the lucrative business ideas that has made millions of Naira for people. The starting point is in identifying and knowing what the people need at the particular moment. And knowing where and how to source for those items.
Email Marketing Business:
This is becoming a recognized means of advertising. In fact, it’s expected to grow fast in the next few years. So, you can place your own company to take a substantial share of the market by starting your own e-mail marketing business now. By that start offering your clients first-class services with proven results that would keep them coming back and referring others.
Do you know what this is all about? I tell you; “ E-mail marketing companies help small, medium and larger businesses connect online with existing customers to promote the sale of goods and services”. That’s it.
In fact, outsourcing email marketing services allow businesses to focus on other areas of business development.
Social Media Marketing:
Furthermore, the Social media space has grown to be an important tool marketing tools recently. In fact, for many businesses, it drives not only the visibility of businesses but also their profitability.
That is why some forward-looking companies now have social media strategy as a full-service function within their organization. And, some others outsource this service. In fact, this is why there is a growing need for people with social media development skills and marketing strategy.
This is your opportunity to learn the tricks of using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Use of Online Forums and Blogs to sell goods and services. In fact, you can offer this to the many individuals and corporate organizations. These include many SMEs yearning to launch into the digital marketing space. By this you make money for yourself.
Internet Radio Business:
Are you interested in going into the internet radio business? Then, you should be aware of the fact that it’s different from traditional radio setups. This is because the source for your internet radio business is a computer. One first thing to do is to design the kind of topics you would need to discuss to appeal to your target market. And, then, what kinds of business you would be concentrating on.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
6. Services:
In this segment we are taking the broad outlook of what service is. That is to enable you think along with us in generating the relevant jobs associated with this category of business idea. As a matter of fact, service is the action of helping or doing work for someone. It includes act of assistance, good turn, favour, kindness, helping hand, assistance, help, aid, ministrations. In fact, it also includes a system supplying a public need such as transport, communications, or utilities such as electricity and water. It may involve performing routine maintenance or repair work on say a vehicle or machine. Do you see that here alone you can have as many as 100 service jobs available for you as business idea? Now, can we go to some specifics.
Car Wash:
Every car on the road should be clean. That is an idea. So, the need for car wash will always be on the increase. And, in fact, anyone can do this business irrespective of age.
There are grades of car wash business everywhere. Just check out. Some are very manual, while some have some electronic devices to assist. Few are however very complex requiring huge sums of money to set-up. Such are the types that you can provide very comfortable sitting arrangement well decorated with a TV set where your customers will sit while their cars are being washed.
As a matter of fact, whether small, medium or large-scale operation, you can make it a multiple income stream business if you have space by adding the sale of drinks, shawarma corner, etc. at the sitting area.
Click here for the business plan
Another thing you can do is to localize it in various other towns and locations. That is how to have a chain of business to control.
For whatever-scale of operation the critical things needed are the space that can be rented or purchased, source of water, the washing machines and human efforts (labour).
Mobile Car Wash Business:
Considering the categories of car wash business, mobile car wash business comes to play. This must be a small-scale business and localized within an environment. As a matter of fact, Mobile auto car wash eliminates the need for a physical business location. This, therefore, reduces start-up costs considerably. As a mobile detailer, you will perform jobs in customer parking lots, driveways and garages. This gives you the advantage of visibility for marketing purposes.
But check out the possibility of being able to work outdoors in inclement weather. What about the limitations inherent, especially those for traveling with all the necessary tools and supplies, including large quantities of water to a client’s location?
Rental Services:
Now, what is it you cannot acquire and begin to rent to others in need of their usages. If you think along with us here, you can generate not less than 20 business ideas. Some can be stand alone while others could be a combination of various items from different classes of business ideas.
What we mean is that, people constantly need things that they do not possess. Such things can start contracting out includes chairs, canopies, vacuum cleaners, cutleries, cooking utensils, music box, ladder, etc. The fact, is once you are known to be engaged in this business in your environment, you may not be able to meet demand.
As a matter of fact, if you have an interesting range of expensive gadgets or equipment, you might start considering exploiting them for side-income businesses. Hiring them out on hourly usage basis. If the business gets going, you can add more items as you discover what people like renting. For this, you can prepare a leaflet, advertise in a local newspaper or use social media to announce your services.
In fact, this particular business idea can be capital intensive sometimes. That means you may require to check out some loan platforms. Such could be Branch loan, Carbon loan, Palmcredit, Renmoney, Aella Credit, Quickteller loan, Opay loan, and C24 loan where you can get an instant online loan in Nigeria. You can also apply for AGSMEIS NIRSAL MFB/BOI CBN Intervention funds. You can call 08121687036 for assistance.
Car Rental Business:
This is another capital-intensive business idea. For you to be able to do well on this business, you will need a bankable business plan for it. For your business plan call 09053130518 for assistance.
Do you know that in this century car is not a luxury but a necessity? This is why there are times when some people may need car rental services. For this class of people and businesses you need a car rental business.
Uber-preneur – Driving for Uber:
If you question is, “What business can I start with 2 million Naira?” This is one.
You may want to consider Uber as a business. Do you know that there are many reasons why people choose to drive with Uber? For some it’s for the freedom to drive when and where they like. This is because, they are their own boss. So, they work for as long or for as little as they want, following a schedule that suits their needs. In fact, the average Uber driver makes between 80,000 – 120,000 Naira every week.
As a matter of fact, Uber driving is one of the very lucrative business ideas in Lagos, Abuja, PH and a few other parts of Nigeria. It does not only allow you to work when you want (including nights or weekends) but also gives you the ability to earn some extra cash while doing so. In fact, while some drivers do this full-time, some others only do it at night after the day’s job and on weekends.
Dry Cleaning Business:
Dressing clean and smart is the in-thing these days. Therefore, this is one hot business idea in Nigeria recently. A lot of people have done well in this business. And, many are still doing well. In fact, you can join them now.
On the other hand, there are a lot of people who are too overwhelmed by work that they may not have the time to wash their clothes. If you have this scenario playing out around your environment, you may need to look into starting a dry-cleaning business.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
7. Sports;
The sports and entertainment industry are popular in Nigeria. Here both talent and training skills are displayed. In fact, many people aspire to be rich and famous through sports in Nigeria. So, many follow the steps of the best stars to build their future. And because many want to be the best at what they’re interested in, so they try in the industry to maximize their full potential.
Here are some of the commercial activities in sports which you can invest in. They are both own individually and publicly. So, at whatever level it create employment and generate income for participants.
Gym Business:
Fitness has always been a source of concern for many of us. And, recently, on how the elderly should manage his or her aging physical fitness. Considering that now both the young and the old require to exercise regularly, don’t you see the need of it becoming a huge lucrative business?
So, are you a fitness and health enthusiast? Then, you can look towards starting a gym-related business in Nigeria. However, you will have to source reasonable finance to equip your gym centre.
Sports Betting Agency:
Furthermore, are you thinking of how to make money in Nigeria? Then, think sports betting. This has become a goldmine business in Nigeria. This is because both the young and old take advantage of their love for football to make money while enjoying the round leather game.
As a matter of fact, these have contributed to explain the upsurge in sport betting companies (bookmakers). You can become one today. And, again, do you know that sports betting companies need agents to relate with players directly. So, you will need a neat environment for office space, a generator, a computer, a printer, an internet connection, and a fixtures board.
The next step is for you to sign an agency agreement with a bookmaker. With some companies, you make money in three ways: board game, virtual game and deposit you make on behalf of your customers. In fact, no matter what, with N275,000, you can certainly be in this business and begin to smile to the bank daily.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
8. Book authoring and Publishing:
Publishing is a lucrative business everywhere in the world. Publishing is the process of getting an author’s manuscript into the hands of a reader, by giving it form, as a book. As always publishers and authors worked closely together to create brilliant works of fiction and nonfiction. However, authors work exclusively on writing books, while publishers can also work for magazines, newspapers, and online publications.
Be an Author:
As narrated above, you can be an author. Do you have passion for writing? Do you have a good education? Then, you can be an author.
Look, you can write and publish by yourself or meet the publishers to do so.
Be a Publisher
This is another lucrative business in this class of business ideas. However, it requires some specialty skills and some good amount of capital to start. You can apply for AGSMEIS NIRSAL MFB/BOI CBN loan to start this. You can call 09053130518 office time to apply. There is also a business plan for this.
Own a Printing Press:
Printing press has to do with printing books, leaflet, banners etc. for others. Many who are in this business are doing well already.
We will help you structure a bankable business plan for this. And, if you require to apply for AGSMEIS loan for this, we will help you to apply.
You can also be an errand printing. In this case you don’t need to own a printing press. All you need to do is to work hard in reaching out to people who wants to print. Collect their jobs and print from a negotiated printing press.
Online Publisher:
Online publishing is simple. What you need is a lap top and internet facilities. Then select your niche. If you are a professional of any sort this will be easy for you. That is, you can begin to educate the public with your professional ideas publishing online.
You could own a website or liaise with those who have to publish. If you contact us, we will be of help to you.
Open a Book Shop:
This is another business associated with this category of business ideas. So, you can make it large or small. There are also errand book sellers who move from place to place.
This also require some reasonable amount of initial capital. A good location and efficient management.
A Mobile Book Seller:
Yes, as narrated in the las paragraph, you can move your book selling points from one place to the other. What do you think of those book sellers who come around you during a professional lecture, or ceremonies?
I see many of them during ICAN or CITN occasions selling high quality professional books.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
9. Modern Technology Services:
This is where business ideas are so wide spread. Technology is applied in every aspect of life. Just think of any form of business and then link it up with the relevant technology and you are in for millions of Naira annually. Here are some.
Sale of Mobile Phone Accessories
This business has become very lucrative business in Nigeria today. With as little as N50,000 you are good to go. While you will do well by renting space if you have the money, this business can also be done in mobile fashion. That is by carrying your products to places they are needed from time to time.
To start with, you have to first identify your market. That is to enable you feed them with their needs. You can even partner with companies like Samsung online store in Nigeria for easy market penetration.
This business is driven by the rapid growth in the use of mobile phones globally. If you remember that Nigeria has an estimated population of 200 million people. Then, think that over 70% of the population is connected through their mobile phone lines.
Now, do you know those accessories that a commonly demanded? I tell you these! They are phone batteries, memory cards, battery chargers, earpieces, screen guards, pouches, etc. You can arrange for your supplies from Computer Village nearest to you or online stores. In fact, phone accessories business is one way of getting into online importation.
Phone Repairs:
Do you have patient to learn how to repair and maintain mobile phones? If you do, then, this is a business idea that will fetch you good money. And, it does not require expenses tools to start. In fact, with less than N50,000 you can start a phone repair and maintenance business in Nigeria. This is very true.
Just finish your training which may not be more than one year, and then source for some tools. These tools may include a laptop, software tools, some regular home tools such as screwdrivers, soldering iron, brush, battery tester, etc. And, then, some marketing to let people know what you do. Then, build a relationship with some dealers of quality accessories. So, with as low as N5,000, you can purchase a repair kit from any e-commerce stores.

Call Card Business:
This is known as recharge card business in Nigeria. Do you know that there is hardly any adult who doesn’t own a phone? Even your old illiterate parents at home have phone, so that you will always communicate with them. Am I not, correct? Now you see reasons why those in the recharge card business are doing so well. You too can join.
There are aspects of this type of business. First there are those who print these cards. Here you need to under go training for it and register with any of the network providers for it. Then, there are the distributors in large scale and those in small scale. And, here comes the multiple retailers we have everywhere. Even, some do this in the offices
Film Production Business:
In the beginning, I told you that modern technology is now everywhere. When “Zebrudai Nwokogbo” of the 1970s masquerade films started, things were not as easy as now. So you see now that Nollywood is one of the fastest-growing industries right now.
In fact, unlike in the 1970s, now and often blockbuster movies are being churned out. This has become so lucrative in Nigeria. So, do you have the training. Can you source the needed capital for a start-up? There are openings for funding now by the Federal government through certain business funding windows. Call 09053130518 to apply.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
10. Import & Export:
Import and export business is made easy in the recent times. Federal government has simplified things along this value chain. We can help you get your import export license, if you engage us. Now, there are a lot to export and import here. We think there is not less than 20 business ideas connected here. That is in exclusion of the clearing and forwarding agents. Just think of what you can do here as a business. Ours is to stimulate your reasoning. And, it’s yours to make decisions. Then, if you need to work on your start-up processes which include all registrations at C.A.C or Export license, etc. you can engage us by contacting us.
Mini Importation
Mini importation is an alternative. In fact, online trading has redefined trade and commerce. Many people have struck gold by importing items online through e-commerce sites like Alibaba, Aliexpress DHgate, global sources, etc. With about N100,000 or even less, you’re open for this type of business.
Click here for your export manual and guides
Now, identify people’s needs and demands. Then, search all the e-commerce websites to get a procurement agent to purchase these items from. The agent will then send them to you to sell and make your cash. In fact, to be smiling to the bank always you can start online importation of varieties of mobile phone accessories, cosmetics, fashion items, etc.
Our website posts are very rich ones. In fact, we have a unique pattern of presentation of our well researched posts. We advise you bookmark this page and link it up with other related post so that your will reap the desired maximum benefits. Just click on the next highlighted items.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
11. Arts & Craft:
This category of business idea is getting larger. Do you know that those artists who draw are included? And, those who do woodwork are also included. Are you not aware that photographers are also covered under this category of business idea? So, what are you waiting for? Just get started by rethinking about your passions for these business ideas. Now, just to mention a few, let’s go on.
Cloth Designing and Tailoring:
However, this business requires skills. So, the first step here is to acquire the skill. This is why I admire NYSC members who go for this training while on service. They go for both English and traditional wears in fashion, and design training.
Previously this was a neglected business. But, well, in those days, this was for the illiterates and school-drop-outs. But now, this set of tailors are driven out of business by the university graduates who now engage in it. So, you can imagine what happens when knowledge entangles with wisdom and passion.
So, this is another lucrative business you can start with less than N500,000. However, there is a business plan for this, if you want to make it big. You can start a skill acquisition centre with this
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
12. Confectionery:
We have dealt with food related business ideas above. We also dealt with manufacturing and processing business ideas. However, we have tried to separate this from them all, so that we can give it the emphasis it deserves.
Confectionery business is a bit large. However, we will deal with very few here leaving you to brain storm for more. Otherwise, contact us for a bankable business plan. One that will project all you have in mind and chart your path ways in the business.
Cake and Cupcake Bakery:
This is one of those lucrative aspects of confectionery business in the recent time. So, making, decorating, and selling one-of-a-kind cakes and cupcakes for occasions is a great business idea. You can do this for birthday, weddings anniversaries etc.
As a matter of fact, you can get started on a shoestring budget by baking and decorating right from your home. Effective marketing strategies include, sending samples cakes to interested parties, showcase pictures of the cakes on Instagram using appropriate hashtags, etc.
Bread Bakery:
Do you know that breakfast is important? Even for all times, the way I see bread sell these days, it wonderful. Bakery is a very lucrative business.
However, you require a business plan for this. We can do one for you if you engage us. Such business plan should be able to design your products and services and create market and market segments for you. Initial capital projection, personnel, direct and indirect costs are very essentials for this plan.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
13. Care Giving Services:
This is a business idea that has both earthly and eternal value. For, whatever good you do for every human selflessly will certainly be reward by God. I don’t know why this is like this.
Social Services:
What are the social services in Nigeria? Can you start one today? Currently, social welfare services are provided by (1) the family system, (2) voluntary agencies (missionaries and international agencies) and (3) government. Major aspects are in the healthcare category. Do you have a dream directed towards this?
As a matter of fact, for every social or humanitarian services you will need to be incorporated at CAC. A business plan, concept note, proposals will also be needed, especially while looking for donors. Call +234 8034347851 for this.
Daycare Business:
Do you know that there will always be the need to make a living even after giving birth? Do you also know that this is one of the reasons why daycare business make good money? The services they render are second to none and indispensable. Because, nursing mothers must go back to work. And, babies will need to be taken care of in save hands. Are you catching the joke now?
Therefore, if you have a penchant for babies and kids, then you can consider starting a daycare center. In fact, you can start it jut for business sake, but with every essentials percussions for babies heathy keeping.
Here again, you don’t need to do illegal business. So, you have to register this business. These days of baby factories, if you don’t register this business, you may be in trouble. Contact us for your CAC and other registrations. You can always refer to this post to learn how to register a business name in Nigeria. Click here.
14 Categories of Profitable Business Ideas in Nigeria: This is how they make money for you
14 Others:
Here are clusters of business ideas. All Buying and Selling business ideas are here In fact, I want you to participate in generating these business ideas.
Now, go into an already constructed and finished house, and check the building material components involved in erecting the house. So, if you are interested in dealing in building material, you can now choose which items to buy and sell.
Again, can you check that cloth you are wearing? Do you see what you can buy and sell?
And, when you see a well dressed woman out there, can you find out what you can buy and sell to her next time?
In addition, people move from one place to another. What do they use? They use vehicles, bikes, “Keke”, bicycle etc. Can you generate any business idea here, especially in buying and selling.
Do you know how Okrika business started? What about all the second-hand imported goods we call Tokumbo? Make sure you click the links here to have good reading and knowledge of what we are talking about.
Okrika Bale Business:
Okirika business is thriving very well in Nigeria. This is generally due to poor economy. But, also, buyers of these products claim that they are superior goods compared to what we have locally.
So, “Okrika bale” business is a good business to start anywhere in Nigeria. This business thrives mostly in the sub-urban and rural towns. But, Lagos, Aba, Kano, and Onitsha have good markets to buy bales of clothes for sale. Startup capital for this business varies. There are small, medium and large dealers in this case too.

- Other business plan templates
- SCUML Application Form
- How to get help for SCUML Certificate
- Get a business Plan
- Register your business @ CAC
- Register for AGSMEIS loan On-line training
- How we aid you apply for AGSMEIS loan in Nigeria
How to contact us:
Can you help us share this to reach your contacts? You can also bookmark this page for future references. For your start-up needs contact us n 09053130518 or [email protected]